Quality Services and Training
Contact us for an appointment to review your needs.
Don’t Settle For Less
Optimize Your Business Goals and Objectives
The Gelinas Group is a family owned and operated company that provides quality services and training in various aspects of accounting and bookkeeping. Our mission is bringing organization, processes, and direction to the business of doing business for owner operated companies.
Our Specialties
We Can Do It All. Get In Touch For a Free Consultation
Professional Services Offered:
Outsourced Bookkeeping Services
Business Advisory Services
Bookkeeper Training Program
Comptroller Services
QuickBooks® Classes
What We Can Do For You
The Gelinas Group offers a wide range of services from basic bookkeeping and training to C suite level consulting services. We work with companies without a sophisticated accounting department who have part time or short-term needs for specific projects or initiatives. Our objective is to work with business owners to understand their financial numbers to aide in developing goals and devise and implement strategies to drive growth. Our goal is to provide business owners with complete, accurate and timely financial information so that they may make better decisions for their company, their family and their future.
Services are provided on a project by project or part time consulting basis. Projects can range from identifying and implementing growth strategies, implementing adequate internal controls, improving financial reporting for various lines of services, expansion planning, launching new lines, overall financial analysis for stability and growth, planning an exit strategy, analyzing books and records of target companies, interviewing, hiring as well as training accounting personnel.
Get In Touch
568 SE Port St Lucie Blvd, Ste 568
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984